The Department of Educational Studies Graduate Student Seminar series presents:
Autumn Knowlton (EDST), “(Re-)imagining politics from the ground up: Territory, conflict, and visions of ‘post-conflict’ Guatemala”
February 2, 2015, 3-4pm
Ponderosa G, Lounge
“In this presentation I will outline my process of designing and carrying out my dissertation project in Q’eqchi’ Maya indigenous communities in Guatemala.
“Drawing on contributors’ oral histories and other interviews, my research considers how their political imaginaries are impacted by a range of memories, from their families’ historical memory of colonialism, to the armed conflict that ended some thirty years ago, to waves of violent evictions of entire communities in the past ten years.
“I will also talk about how the themes that emerged during my fieldwork in Q’eqchi’ communities has shaped the scope, purpose, and focus of my research as a whole.”