
These are the undergraduate courses normally offered at UBC that may have content suitable for the Latin American Studies major or minor. If a course should be here but is not, please contact the chair of the program.

ARCL 232 Ancient Latin America (3)

ARTH 261 Pre-Hispanic Arts of Central and South America (3)

HIST 250 d Latin American History (3/6)
HIST 252 Modern Caribbean History (3)

LAST 100 Introduction to Latin American Studies (3)
LAST 201 Popular Culture in Latin America (3)
LAST 205 Issues of Development in Modern Latin America (3)

PORT 222 Introduction to the Analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian Cultures (in English) (3)

RMST 222 Introduction to Hispanic Cultures (3)
RMST 260 Introduction to the Analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian Cultures (3)
RMST 280 Revolution! (3)

SPAN 221 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (when taught with Latin America content) (3)
SPAN 222 Introduction to Hispanic Culture (when taught with Latin America content) (3)
SPAN 280 Revolution! (In English) (3)

ANTH 353 Ethnography of Latin America (3)

ARCL 323 Archaeological Foundations of Mesoamerica (3)
ARCL 324 Archaeological Foundations of South America (3)
ARCL 411 d Prehistory of a Special Area in the New World (3/6)

ARTH 320 Entangled Worlds: Spain and Colonial Latin America (1500-1700) (3)
ARTH 342 Latin American Art: Modern and Contemporary (3)
ARTH 370 Arts of Mexico's Early Peoples (3)
ARTH 371 Arts of the Aztec period in Mexico (3)
ARTH 372 Maya Public Ritual Arts (3)
ARTH 373 Maya Arts of Everyday Life (3)
ARTH 442 Seminar in Contemporary Latin American Art (3)
ARTH 471 Seminar in Pre-Hispanic Art (3)

GEOG 395 Culture, Nature, and Coloniality in Latin America (3)
GEOG 495 Geographies of Social Movements in the Americas (3)

HIST 357 History of Mexico (3)
HIST 358 State and Society in 20th century Cuba (3)
HIST 359 A History of Brazil: From Colony to Nation (3)
HIST 453 Class and Culture in Latin America (3)
HIST 455 Gender and Sexuality in Latin America (3)

LAST 301 Human and Civil Rights in Latin America (3)
LAST 303 Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (3)
LAST 315 Topics in Latin American Studies (3-6)
LAST 415 Seminar in Latin American Studies (3-6)

POLI 332 d Politics and Government of Latin America (3-6)

PORT 392 Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature (in English) (3)
PORT 405 Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Culture (in English) (3)

RMST 361 Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Literature (3)
RMST 372 Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature (3)
RMST 373 (3) Masterpieces in Hispanic Literature
RMST 375 The Caribbean: Frontiers of the Romance World (3)
RMST 376 Genre Adaptations in the Hispanic World (3)
RMST 460 Studies in Portuguese and Brazilian Culture (3)

SPAN 312 Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature (in English) (3)
SPAN 322 Dependency and Revolution in Latin American History and Culture (in English) (3)
SPAN 365 Modern Magics: Spanish-American Literature and Culture since the 1820’s (3)
SPAN 470 d Imperial Eyes and Foundational Fictions: Topics in Spanish-American Colonial and Nineteenth-Century Culture (3-6)
SPAN 490 d Peoples and Nations: Topics in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Spanish-American Culture (3-6)
SPAN 495 d Research Intensive Seminar in Hispanic Literature and Culture (3-6)

ANTH 205 The Anthropology of Insurrections and Revolution (3)

ARTH 371 Arts of the Aztec period in Mexico (3)

ECON 485 Political Economy (3)

FIST 332A Studies in Genre or Period (3)

GEOG 395 Culture, Nature, and Coloniality in Latin America (3)
GEOG 495 Geographies of Social Movements in the Americas (3)

GRSJ 306 Globalization and Social Justice: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in International Politics (3)
GRSJ 311 African/Black Women in the Americas (3)
GRSJ 315 Critical Racial Theories (3)
GRSJ 316 Queer and Trans of Colour Theorizing (3)
GRSJ 320 Feminist Anti-Racist Pedagogies (3)
GRSJ 415 Critical Racial and Anti-Colonial Feminist Approaches (3)

HIST 403H Brazil and the World (3)
HIST 490R 201 Migration in the Americas (3)

LAST 100 Introduction to Latin American Studies (3)
LAST 201 Popular Culture in Latin America (3)
LAST 303 Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (3)

POLI 332 d Politics and Government of Latin America (3-6)

RMST 305 Introduction to Romance Language Cinema (3)

SOCI 301 Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment (3)

SPAN 302 Intermediate Spanish II (3)
SPAN 312C Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature (in English) (3)
SPAN 364 Colonial Encounters in Spanish-American Literature and Culture (3)
SPAN 365 Modern Magics: Spanish-American Literature and Culture since the 1820s (3)
SPAN 490E Peoples and Nations: Topics in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Spanish-American Culture (3)
SPAN 495 d Research Intensive Seminar in Hispanic Literature and Culture (3-6)

ANTH 205, The Anthropology of Insurrections and Revolution, 2023W, 2 (term 2)

HIS 403D, Migration in the Americas, 2023W, 2 (term 2)

ECON 392, Topics in Economics: Economic History of Latin America, 2023W, 2 (term 2)
ECON 485, Political Economy, 2023W 1 (term 1)

GRSJ 226, Human Rights and Artistic Expression: Thinking Beyond the Legal
GRSJ 311 African/Black Women in the Americas (3)
GRSJ 315 Critical Racial Theories (3)

LAST 315A, Topics in Latin American Studies—Food in Mexico and Central America (3)

POLI 220 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)

RMST 202, Introduction to Literatures and Cultures of the Romance World II: Modern to Post-Modern, 2023W (Term 2)
RMST 301, Prose Fiction and Non-Fiction of the Romance World, 2023W 1 (Term 1)

SOCI 414 Feminist Theory, 2023W 1 (Term 1)

ANTH 203: Anthropology of Drugs, with Dr. Muehlmann, Term II

LAST 100, Introduction to Latin American Studies (LAST_V 100-101 - Term 1)
LAST 205, Issues of Development in Modern Latin America (LAST_V 205-201 - Term 2)
LAST 301, Human and Civil Rights in Latin America (LAST_V 301-101 - Term 1)
LAST 303, Indigenous Latin America (LAST_V 303-201 - Term 2)

ECON 485: Political Economy, with Dr. Ferraz.

POLI 332: Politics and Government of Latin America, with Dr. Cameron, Term II